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MIND Diet: Food that reduces the risk of Alzheimer's

admin eecskm
2024-08-27 15:45:57

MIND Diet Alzheimer's Risk Reduction Diet
MIND Diet is a combination of the DASH diet, which helps lower blood pressure, and the Mediterranean diet, which helps with heart and blood vessels. MIND Diet is rich in nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, folate, Omega-3 (DHA, EPA), which helps reduce inflammation, helps nourish the nervous system and brain, and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

What foods should be consumed?
Green leafy vegetables such as kale, morning glory, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, at least 6 ladles per week and other vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, Chinese cabbage, and other vegetables, at least 1 ladle per day.
Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, guava, mulberries, at least 2 cups per week.
Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, 5 servings per week (each serving is about 30 grams) Dried beans such as mung beans, soybeans, red beans, 3 servings per week (One serving is equal to 1 ladle)
Whole grains such as brown rice, riceberry, oatmeal, Job's tears, at least 3 ladles per day
Fish such as tilapia, ruby fish, snakehead fish, salmon, mackerel, at least 2 tablespoons per week
Poultry such as chicken, duck, at least 4 tablespoons per week
Olive oil, focus on using olive oil instead of other types of oil
Red wine 1 glass per day

✘ What foods should be avoided?
• Red meat such as pork, beef, no more than 6 tablespoons per week
• Butter and margarine, less than 1 tablespoon per day
• Cheese, less than 1 time per week
• Bakery and desserts, limit the amount, no more than 5 times per week and no more than half a palm per time
• Fried food, fast food, less than 1 time per week
Source: Chadaporn Nongkhunsan, professional dietitian (RD, CDE)