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6 advantages of reading for seniors

admin eecskm
2024-04-30 09:15:45

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6 advantages of reading for elderly people
1.Helps develop the brain system Spending free time to read books Helps stimulate thinking that can develop the brain's memory system And can help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease as well.
2. Reduce stress: Reading a good book can reduce stress by up to 68%.
3. Reduce anxiety Reading can help seniors (and everyone) feel more secure and reduce anxiety. People who read books often They tend not to make sudden decisions but rather think before acting. This introspection helps the person. Have better opportunities and more success in life. and also experienced a reduction in anxiety
4.Increase happiness and satisfaction The more you read The happier Elderly people who read only 30 minutes per week Tend to be more satisfied with life compared to those who did not read Spending time with your favorite book can increase your happiness levels, which will make a positive difference in how you view your day.
5. Increase attention reading books especially novels can increase attention and emotional intelligence If you enjoy it and really get involved with the story. Repeated exposure to new situations, beliefs, and ideas through text increases mental strength that leads to empathy for others in different situations.
6.Helps in sleeping Most elderly people have more difficulty falling asleep than when they were young. Reading before bed at night can help you fall asleep a little easier. Because the brain signals the body that it's time to rest.
Information source: Cheewajit