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Nutritional regulations for the elderly

admin eecskm
2023-11-22 14:07:22

Nutrition for the elderly

1. Eat mainly brown rice and fish.

2. Eat liver on alternating days and eat vegetables and fruits regularly.

3. Reduce sweetness, oiliness, and saltiness as a habit.

4. And don't forget to drink water. Drink enough water

• You should exercise regularly, 3-5 times a week, 30 minutes each time, such as brisk walking, Chinese boxing, etc.

• Get enough sleep, 7-9 hours a day, and train your brain regularly, such as giving your brain time to think often, such as reading a book. Writing books often, doing math, playing games, always practicing using new equipment.

• Annual health check. If you have a congenital disease, you must periodically follow up on treatment and strictly follow the doctor's orders.

• Avoid medicine, junk food, or activities that are harmful to the brain, such as avoiding the use of estrogen and Progesterone replacement in menopause or taking medicine unnecessarily

• Be careful of accidents to the brain. Be careful of falls, relax, and find activities. Do it to relieve stress. Participate in social activities frequently, meet and talk with others frequently, such as going to temples or going to various parties. or joining a senior citizen club

Source: Elderly Nutrition Promotion Group Bureau of Nutrition, Department of Health