Home > News > Operational news > Personnel of the Institute for the Promotion and Development of Health for the Aging Society Organize activities to promote digital culture in working together Under the training activity on using the Canva program
Personnel of the Institute for the Promotion and Development of Health for the Aging Society Organize activities to promote digital culture in working together Under the training activity on using the Canva program

admin eecskm
2024-07-24 16:33:56

Personnel of the Institute for the Promotion and Development of Health for the Aging Society Organize activities to promote digital culture in working together Under the training activity on using the Canva program to increase the digital skills of personnel at all levels. On Saturday, February 17, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
In the online format through the Google Meet system.

This training Helping personnel to have more knowledge in using Canva, in line with the development goals that have been submitted or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Goal 4, ensuring that everyone has comprehensive and equitable quality education. and support lifelong learning opportunities. Emphasis is placed on giving everyone the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development.



