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What kind of medicine should I take? Do it the right way.

admin eecskm
2024-04-10 10:24:47

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อย่างน้อย 30 นาที กินยาแบบไหน?
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รับประทานหลังอาหาร ประมาณ 15 30 นาที
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ลดโอกาสที่จะเกิดผลข้างเดียง จากยา
034-766477 elderly@ssru.ac.th

What kind of medicine should I take? Do it the right way
Principles for taking medicine before, after or with food
• Pre-meal medication is taken at least 30 minutes before meals.
• Medicine after meals means taking medicine 15 - 30 minutes after meals.
• Immediately after meals means taking medicine immediately after finishing eating. This is because some medicines may irritate the digestive tract.
• Medicine before bedtime means taking medicine 15 - 30 minutes before bedtime.
• Medicine taken between meals. Or take medicine with food, that is, take medicine with the first bite of food. or after eating half of the meal
• Chew medicine thoroughly before swallowing. Chew or crush the medicine thoroughly before swallowing for better distribution of the medicine. As a result, the drug will work better.
Information source: siphhospital