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Check quickly! 4 eye diseases found mostly in the elderly

admin eecskm
2024-03-04 11:45:57

Check quickly! 4 eye diseases found mostly in the elderly

1. Cataract

Caused by clouding of the corneal lens This causes less light to pass into the eye. Cataract patients will have blurred vision, double vision, and the eyes cannot tolerate light.


Caused by increased intraocular pressure. There is damage to the optic nerve. The patient will begin to lose their visual field. That is, vision narrows gradually from the sides to the center. and permanent vision loss

3. Clear vision spots where the retina has deteriorated. macular degeneration

Caused by degeneration of the macula area in the center of the retina. Makes the central part of the image blurry. Initially there may be no symptoms. But later, when the retina deteriorates more There will be blurred vision. Seeing distorted images See a black spot in the middle of the picture.

4. Diabetic retinopathy

Caused by abnormally high blood sugar levels. As a result, capillary walls deteriorate throughout the body. including blood vessels in the retina causing blood and various substances to leak out In the first stage there are usually no symptoms. But an eye examination found a spot of hemorrhage on the retina. If you have blurred vision, it means that diabetic retinopathy is already advanced. All people with diabetes should have their eyes examined by an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

Source: Department of Medical Services