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29 May 2024

admin eecskm
2024-05-29 14:00:44

What kind of exercise can seniors do ?

1. Walking or running slowly You should start by walking slowly. To allow the body to adjust for a period of time. Until the body gets used to walking and then gradually increase the speed to fast walking or running.

2. Exercise can be performed in all proportions. As well as practicing patience, balance and flexibility of the body. There are many exercise positions to choose from as appropriate, such as stretching the calves, tiptoeing, bending the knees, rocking the body, etc.

3. Swim or walk in the water. For the elderly, suitable for those with osteoarthritis because swimming reduces direct impact on hard surfaces. Helps to train muscles in every part of the body and practice breathing systematically. For seniors who don't know how to swim You can exercise by walking around in the water to make your muscles work harder.

4. Cycling is suitable for elderly people who have strength. This is because you have to control your bicycle and exert more force than normal. Cycling helps strengthen your leg muscles.

5. Chinese boxing dance is suitable for the elderly as it provides endurance, strength, and flexibility. In addition to the physical aspect, it also helps in training the mind. and breathing naturally

6. Yoga is a branch of science that results in better health for those who practice it. Both physically and mentally But exercising with yoga must be practiced correctly in order to have beneficial effects on the body.

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