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Bone destroying drinks

admin eecskm
2024-06-26 10:58:51

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Drinks that destroy bones 
1. Soft drinks, both regular and sugar-free. All of which result in the bones becoming equally thin because soft drinks have the effect of pulling calcium out of the bones.
2. Drinks containing caffeine The caffeine in coffee is what causes calcium to be pulled out of the bones. By causing the body to excrete more calcium through the urine. People who drink more than three cups of coffee per day have a threefold increased risk of hip fracture than people who do not drink or drink only a small amount of coffee.
3. Salty foods or foods high in sodium, such as MSG, cause the body to excrete more calcium through the urine as well.
4. Alcoholic drinks It has a very harmful effect on the bones. The toxic effects of alcohol directly destroy bone cells. And it was found that alcohol, beer, and all types of liquor cause hip and arm fractures easily. The more you drink, the more brittle your bones become. Women who drink two beers a day have a risk of bone fractures that is twice that of non-drinkers.

There are also some types of food that are not suitable for certain bone and joint diseases, such as gout. Foods such as meat should be avoided. Poultry such as ducks, chickens, and various vegetable shoots This is because a lot of uric acid accumulates in various joints, causing pain in the joints. The joints are swollen and very painful. People who are suffering from the disease should choose their food carefully. You should pay attention to the details of the ingredients of that food as well.

Therefore, we should choose food that is appropriate for the disease we are suffering from. It is best to avoid foods that have a negative effect on the bones. For strong, long-lasting health, far from disease