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Asarnha Bucha Day

admin eecskm
2024-07-25 10:45:26

"Asarnha Bucha Day" this year falls on Saturday, July 20, 2024, the 15th day of the waxing moon of the 8th lunar month.
Importance of Asarnha Bucha Day
Asalha means the 8th lunar month. Therefore, the word "Asalha Bucha" means worship in the 8th month to remember three important events that occurred in Buddhism:
It is the day when religion was first preached. There was a presentation of the first sermon or Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. which is the truth that Phra Anutarasama Sambodhiññā realized.
- It is the day when the three Praratnatris are born, namely the Buddha Ratana, the Dhamma Ratana, and the Sangharatana.
- It is the day when Phra Kondhanya Have eyes to see Dhamma After listening to the first sermon