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Activities to promote a collaborative digital culture Under the training activity on using Google Calendar for work in the organization.

admin eecskm
2024-07-24 16:14:13

อาจเป็นรูปภาพของ 6 คน และ ข้อความ

19 March 2024 time 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Activities to promote collaborative digital culture Under the training activity on using Google Calendar for work in the organization.
Personnel of the Institute for the Promotion and Development of Health for the Aging Society Organize activities to promote digital culture in working together Under the training activity on using Google Calendar for work in the organization.
This activity Can be applied to make appointments for seniors to see the doctor. Including notifications of various activities of the elderly. And creating online meeting activities, Google Meet, is in line with the development goals that have been submitted or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Goal 4, ensuring that everyone has comprehensive and equitable quality education. and support lifelong learning opportunities.



