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17 May 2024

admin eecskm
2024-05-20 10:45:21

When people get older and reach the elderly. The body will change greatly. that used to be strong Being active will gradually deteriorate, such as thin bones and weak muscles. The skin begins to wrinkle. Including various internal organ systems within the body that are not functioning at their full potential.

These changes in the body are warning signs that we have begun to enter the elderly state. Therefore, the important thing that we should consider is maintaining the body as strong as possible and deteriorating as slowly as possible. One way to do it is easily. “Exercise”

You should start exercising only for a period of 20-30 minutes per day, which may be divided into shorter periods of 10-15 minutes each.

Exercise for the elderly is divided into 3 types.

1. Exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system. such as walking quickly, jogging slowly, swimming or walking in water, walking with swinging arms, cycling slowly.

2. Exercise to increase muscle strength such as lifting light weights Muscle exercise by pulling rubber bands or doing various physical exercises

3. Exercises to practice balance Such as tai chi/tai chi, ballroom dancing, yoga that emphasizes balance and stretching muscles. or foot stomping exercises.

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